Sunday, July 31, 2016

10 Super Foods to Help You Quickly Build Muscle and Lose Weight

In order to build muscle and lose weight you need a variety of veggies, carbs, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats. In order to quickly build muscle and lose weight you need 10 super foods.


1. Whole Eggs - Eggs are one of the cheapest super foods offering you an excellent source of protein. The cholesterol that we hear so much about isn't a problem. If you have cholesterol problems lower your body fat not the eggs you consume.

2. Flax Seeds - Here's an excellent source of fiber, omega 3, and protein. Grind the flax seeds and sprinkle on your berries or yogurt. Don't use flax oil as it's unstable and has no fiber benefits.

3. Quinoa - In South America Quinoa is considered the king of grains. The fiber and protein in Quinoa is higher than that in oats and rice, plus its gluten free.

4. Mixed Nuts - Nuts are packed with mono and polyunsaturated fats, fiber, proteins, Vitamin e, potassium, zinc, and magnesium. Nuts are dense in calories so if you are skinny and looking to put on a few pounds these will do it.

5. Wild Salmon - Omega 3 fatty acids are found in salmon, as well as providing 20 grams of protein per 100 gram serving.

6. Fish Oil - Taking fish oil can reduce inflammation in the body, increase testosterone levels, and lower body fat. Take 900mg per day. It's hard to get this level eating fish.

7. Berries - Fresh berries are a powerful antioxidant keeping you healthy and helping you to improve your weight loss.

8. Green Tea - Another strong antioxidant and a powerful natural diuretic. It can speed up fat loss, improve blood sugar, and prevent cancer.

9. Water - Something as simple water is considered a super food and vital to your weight loss program, muscle development, and health. You should drink at least 8 glasses a day.

10. Tomatoes - High in lycopene they are an excellent cancer preventer and a benefit in your strength training. You can't eat too many tomatoes!

These 10 super foods combined with an overall healthy diet, a cardiac workout, and some strength training and in no time you'll be pounds lighter. Super foods can help you to quickly build muscles and lose weight. Being overweight is hazardous to your health and to your self-esteem. Why not set your goals and get motivated? You'll be feeling better about your weight in no time at all.

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Friday, July 29, 2016

Cheapest Ways To Lose Weight Fast For Women

Let's face it! We've spent bundles of cash on weight loss supplements, but not one could help burn the lard, let alone retain the results. The money-back guarantees on diet pills also fell flat when the time came to claim a refund. Now, tired, you've finally decided not to burn any more cash on useless, run-off-the-mill products. And, we must say you've done just the right thing!

Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Why should you break the bank when you can trim your waistline without having to spend a single penny? Surprised! Right here in this article we've rounded up 4 cheapest ways to lose weight fast for women. Are you ready to take down?

1. Fat in moderation - 

Fat has quite a bad reputation when it comes to weight loss, but you cannot cut it out completely because it can be your friend in this journey. The primary reason is because fat helps sustain muscle.

If you eat too much fat, you will add pounds and if you eat too little, the body will start using up muscle mass. The key is to take the middle path. You can eat food sources of fat in moderation. The easiest way to do this is going meatless on a few days and branding cheesy burgers and fries as occasional treats in your food journal. Also, be sure you consume healthy saturated fats.

2. Fill up on Salads- 

Many women complain that they fail to drop weight despite eating only vegetable and fruit salads. Why? Because you're probably eating a salad made at a salad bar where you should have been eating a salad made at home. What's the difference? The high calorie toppings and dressing makes the difference. Toppings and dressings enhance the flavor of otherwise bland vegetables, but they contain fats, salts and sugar in large quantities and thus turn a nutritious low-calorie meal into an unhealthy, calorie loaded snack.

A better option is to dish out your own salads a home. Vegetables and fruits are readily available; seasonal ones can be bought at the frozen foods counter at a grocery store. Preparing a salad hardly takes a few minutes and it is also cheaper than the one you buy at a salad bar.

3. Double your intake of Fluids - 

Fluid is an umbrella term for water, beverages, fruit juices, herbal teas, smoothies and colas. Should you have all of them? No. A weight loss diet only permits water, fruits juices, smoothies and herbal teas.

Water is very essential because it flushes of waste from the body. If you opt for fruit juices, choose freshly-juiced fruit juices over packaged juices. The later contains added sugars, flavors and preservatives that will eventually add bulges to your frame. Smoothies are a new trend when it comes to weight loss. They are mostly made of green leafy vegetables and are mixed with fruits to make it delicious and healthier. Beverages and colas are not recommended because they contain a lot of empty calories and they dehydrate the body.

4. Exercise wherever and whenever you can - 

When we say exercise, our mind immediately pictures a gym with a few persons lifting weights and other exercise equipment waiting to be used. Exercise needs a disciplined approach but it need not be done only at a gym. In fact, in addition to your 30 minutes cardio or weight training session, you can turn all your household chores into an exercise activity. Thus, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator. If your office is within a few miles from home, you can walk or cycle. Gardening can also help in losing weight fast.

How would your life be if you could lose all the extra fat from your body? If you take action now, in 2 months you'll be incredibly sexy!

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